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Vuk Stefanović Karadžić - najznačajnija ličnost srpske kulture i književnosti prve polovine 19. veka

Writer's picture: Learn Serbian Online Learn Serbian Online

Vuk Stefanović Karadžić je bio srpski filolog, reformator srpskog jezika, sakupljač narodnih umotvorina i pisac prvog rečnika srpskog jezika. Rođen je 7. novembra 1787. godine u selu Tršić, nedaleko od Loznice. Preminuo je 7. februara 1864. godine u Beču. Vuk je jedna od najznačajnijih ličnosti srpske kulture i književnosti prve polovine 19. veka. Sakupljao je srpske narodne pesme i reformisao azbuku i ćirilično pismo, a njegovim reformama u srpski jezik je uveden fonetski pravopis, čime je slavenosrpski jezik zamenjen srpskim jezikom.


Vuk Stefanović Karadžić was a Serbian philologist, a reformer of the Serbian language, a collector of folklore and a writer of the first dictionary of the Serbian language. He was born on November 7, 1787 in the village of Tršić, not far from Loznica. He died on February 7, 1864 in Vienna. Vuk is one of the most important personalities of Serbian culture and literature of the first half of the 19th century. He collected Serbian folk songs and reformed the alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet, and his reforms introduced phonetic spelling into the Serbian language, which replaced the Slavo-Serbian language with the Serbian language.

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