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Vidovdan proglašen za praznik grada Čikaga - Vidovdan declared a holiday of the city of Chicago

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Gradonačelnica Čikaga Lori Lajtfut proglasila je Vidovdan praznikom tog grada, ističući da taj praznik slavi pomirenje i izdržljivost naroda koji je bio podređen, koji stremi ka slobodi, dostojanstvu i jednakosti – univerzalnim idealima koji inspirišu. Navodi i da je Vidovdan jedan od najvažnijih kulturoloških praznika za Srbe širom sveta – dan kada se odaje počast srpskom porazu od Otomanskog carstva i pet vekova nasilne vladavine zbog odbijanja ljudi da voljno prihvate tuđu vlast.


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot declared Vidovdan a holiday of that city, emphasizing that this holiday celebrates the reconciliation and endurance of the people who were oppressed, who strive for freedom, dignity and equality - universal ideals that inspire. She also states that Vidovdan is one of the most important cultural holidays for Serbs around the world - a day that pays tribute to the Serbian defeat by the Ottoman Empire and five centuries of violent rule due to the refusal of people to willingly accept someone else's rule.

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