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Uskrs - najveći hrišćanski praznik

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Pravoslavni vernici danas slave najveći hrišćanski praznik - Uskrs, koji označava uskrsnuće Hristovo i pobedu života. Vernici se pozdravljaju sa "Hristos vaskrse" - "vaistinu vaskrse", međusobno se daruju i kucaju jajima. Jaja se obično boje u crveno i simbolišu obnavljanje života i vaskrsenje, prvo jaje koje je ofarbano ostavlja se do narednog Uskrsa i naziva čuvarkuća. Ono simboliše rađanje života, a crvena boja nevino prolivenu Hristovu krv. 🐣🎈 Today, Orthodox believers celebrate the greatest Christian holiday - Easter, which celebrates the resurrection of Christ and the victory of life. Believers greet each other with "Christ is risen" - "truly risen", give each other presents and knock eggs. The eggs are usually painted red and symbolize the renewal of life and resurrection, the first egg that is painted is left until the next Easter and is called the house guardian egg. It symbolizes the birth of life, and the red color innocently shed the blood of Christ.

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