Grb, zastava i himna su simboli Republike Srbije. Ustavom je utvrđeno da Republika Srbija ima svoj grb, zastavu i himnu. Grb Republike Srbije koristi se kao Veliki grb i kao Mali grb, zastava Republike Srbije postoji i koristi se kao Narodna zastava i kao Državna zastava, himna Republike Srbije jeste svečana pesma „Bože pravde”. Izgled i upotreba grba, zastave i himne uređuju se zakonom. 🇷🇸 The coat of arms, flag and anthem are the symbols of the Republic of Serbia. The Constitution stipulates that the Republic of Serbia has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem. The coat of arms of the Republic of Serbia is used as the Great Coat of Arms and as the Small Coat of Arms, the flag of the Republic of Serbia exists and is used as the National Flag and the State Flag, the anthem of the Republic of Serbia is the solemn song "God of Justice". The appearance and use of the coat of arms, flag and anthem are regulated by law.
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